- msbmobilitypt@gmail.com
Looking after those who look after us
Your experience will be that of an Integrated and multidimensional approach to your rehabilitation, that is of the highest level.
Primarily for the Essential service members; we provide knowledge about the body’s ability to adapt and in the process create new movement (compensatory) patterns in order to deal with the demands (lifting, pushing, pulling, carrying, climbing) of your jobs. Our body is the greatest adapting organism we will ever know, therefore, rehabilitation should be of such that provides the necessary environment for a healthy and holistic experience. Therefore, the primary focus will be on maintenance and injury prevention that essentially leads to performance enhancement, whether it is for training, sports or job requirements.
Education on injury prevention, maintenance and optimization of performance throughout your careers (building for a healthier retirement) will be addressed throughout your time with us.
At MSB Mobility, creating lifestyle altering knowledge about our bodies is a huge part of our Therapy. Empowerment, independence, awareness and problem solving on the go are important aspects each individual should have.
Patients who work in the Emergency Essential Service Field will receive a comprehensive assessment identifying:
Hyper tonicity, Hypo tonicity, atrophy, scar tissue inhibition and trigger points
Neuromotor inhibition
Nerve entrapment
Movement pattern dysfunctions
A Detailed subjective history of the particular problem, followed by a comprehensive Objective examination utilizing various advanced functional movement screening, muscle testing and neurological screening techniques is essential to our prognosis. Patients will be informed of findings and Differential Diagnosis with details as to progression of subsequent individualized treatments and follow up visits. The main goal of treatment is to rehabilitate pain and dysfunction movement patterns and restoring neuromotor function and in the process improving proprioception, movement and stability. The approach will involve utilization of advanced treatment techniques such as Neurofunctional electro-acupuncture, Advanced Manual therapy Technique, NKT, P-DTR, Micro-conditioning (™), Soft tissue techniques, Guasha (™)-type techniques, joint Mobilization and Cupping
*Neurofunctional Sports Performance Acupuncture is taught by Dr. Alejandro Elorriaga Claraco at the McMaster Contemporary Medical Acupuncture Program and the Neurofunctional Sports Performance Practitioner and Specialist Programs.
*Contemporary Medical Acupuncture is taught by Dr. Alejandro Elorriaga Claraco at the McMaster Contemporary Medical Acupuncture Program and the Neurofunctional Sports Performance Practitioner and Specialist Programs.
*Neurofunctional Sports Performance Acupuncture is taught by Dr. Alejandro Elorriaga Claraco at the McMaster Contemporary Medical Acupuncture Program and the Neurofunctional Sports Performance Practitioner and Specialist Programs.
Curious about the origins of these advanced treatment techniques? Educate yourself as you may have had questions as to what, where and why. The more we learn is the more we ask why. These are questions I wanted and needed answered when I graduated form Queen’s University in 2014 as a Physiotherapist. I sought answers and these are the paths I took. I am still learning and I will continue to do so until my last breath. I am just another in the long line of practitioners who question traditional methods of treatment.
Therefore if you care about your health (actually care), then you may find answers you have been searching for in these techniques and skills, as it pertains to your acute and chronic pain.
More about SERVICES

Neurofunctional Acupuncture
Our body is great at adapting to every environment and we receive information from our surroundings and respond accordingly. One such example is shivering when we are cold. This information is transmitted to the brain and it then interprets and acts on that information by intermittent contraction of our muscles to warm the body and increase circulation to needed areas. These are ascending and descending signals and Neurofunctional Acupuncture® serves to create stronger and more effective signals so reduce dysfunctions by using a precise peripheral nerve stimulation technique, in which fine solid needles (acupuncture needles) are inserted into anatomically defined neurofunctional sites, and stimulated manually or with electricity for the therapeutic purpose of modulating abnormal activity of the nervous system and/or the endocrine, exocrine and immune systems, in pain syndromes, functional problems, and any diseases in which these modulatory mechanisms are available. Neuromodulation occurs through neurological and neurohumoral mechanisms at multiple levels, namely: peripheral nerves, spinal cord, brain stem, brain and cerebellum.

Contemporary Medical Acupuncture
Contemporary Medical Acupuncture utilizes an ancient tradition and the knowledge of modern science and physiology. The main difference is, Contemporary medical Acupuncture is recommended after a detailed neurofunctional assessment and a diagnosis. Treatment follows a conventional view and has local tissue effects as well as peripheral and central nervous system regulatory effects.
How Does Contemporary Acupuncture Work?
Acupuncture produces many of its effects by stimulating nerve receptors in skin and muscle. Various substances are released that cause an increase of local blood flow that encourages tissue healing.
- Acupuncture helps to reduce pain locally where the needles are inserted and throughout the body.
- Acupuncture has a calming effect and produces well-being.
- Acupuncture inactivates myofascial trigger points.
- Acupuncture has effects on the brain.
- The effects of acupuncture accumulate when repeated.

Neurokinetic Therapy
NeuroKinetic Therapy (NKT®) is an advanced form of manual therapy that involves assessment and treatment of muscle imbalances and movement pattern dysfunctions that generally lead to pain or injuries. It focuses on specific and targeted muscle testing and palpation and focused individualised treatments to restore motor patterns you may have bee nexperiencing.

Proprioceptive Deep tendon Reflex
P-DTR is the brain child of Dr. Jose Palomar (founder) and is a unique technique which is primarily from an extreme understanding of neurology, anatomy, physiology and orthopaedics. It focuses on the Central Nervous System and how it interprets information under normal circumstances and how these same signals can be distorted from injuries, dysfunctional or incorrect movement patterns posture and over exposure to extreme circumsatnces. P-DTR foucses on finding these dysfunctional signals and correcting the pathways and in the process allowing the body to fucntion normally.