Burning Out for PUTTING OUT a Fire within


We all have an inner captain and of such is our premise. Everyday we make decisions and reap success and rewards. We decide “TO  TREAT OR NOT TO TREAT”. That makes us our own captain. This is about you and for you, NOT about us.

about you

Whether you are a professional or a weekend warrior and you have a passion for your sport, we have a place here fore you to keep that inner fire burning.  Your experience will be that of an Integrated and multidimensional approach to your rehabilitation that is of the highest level.

Sports injuries are commonly caused by overuse, fatigue, direct trauma, or the application of force that is greater than the body part can structurally withstand as well as forcible contraction (mixed neurological signals) leading to micro or macro tears in soft tissue. There are two kinds of sports injuries: acute and chronic. An injury that occurs as a result of sudden impact, such as a hyperextended knee due to an awkward landing from a dunk in basketball, is known as an acute injury. Chronic athletic injuries are generally s a result of repeated overuse without sufficient recovery time for muscle groups or joints. Improper technique as well as structural abnormalities can also contribute to the development of chronic injuries. It is important that athletes listen to their bodies and seek out proper medical care with investigations to determine if their pain is as a result of structural damage or overuse. Ideally our general acute injury rehabilitation may involve:

• Reduction of pain and control of swelling.

• Restoration of joint mobility and range of motion.

• Restoration of neuromotor strength and endurance capacity.

• Retraining of proprioception.

• Reconditioning sport-specific, technical movements.

Education on injury prevention, maintenance and optimization of performance throughout your careers (building for a healthier retirement) will be addressed throughout your time with us.

How can I Help You recover after surgery?




Your experience will be second to none. Our mission statement says it all. We apply Integrated, multifaceted and multidimensional approach to our treatment protocol that is of the highest level.

We educate you on your rehabilitation protocol, establish and recommend maintenance and in turn optimizes your performance throughout your rehabilitation leading to optimal function performing your Activities of Daily Living (ADLs).

At MSB Mobility, creating lifestyle altering knowledge about our body’s amazing ability to adapt and tapping into that potential, is a huge part of our Therapy. Empowerment, independence, awareness and problem solving on the go are important aspects each individual should have and we educate and train you to do such with no hassle. 

The main goal of treatment is to rehabilitate pain and dysfunctional movement patterns, restoring neuromotor function and in the process improving proprioception, movement and stability. The approach will involve utilization of advanced treatment techniques such as Neurofunctional electro-acupuncture, Advanced Manual therapy Technique, NKT, P-DTR, Micro-conditioning  (™), Soft tissue techniques, Guasha  (™)-type techniques, joint Mobilization and Cupping


*Neurofunctional Sports Performance Acupuncture is taught by Dr. Alejandro Elorriaga Claraco at the McMaster Contemporary Medical Acupuncture Program and the Neurofunctional Sports Performance Practitioner and Specialist Programs.